Movies Everyone Should See Before They Become Too Jaded: (Had to add 2, could have added 100)
12. Bully
11. Kids
10. Crimes of the Heart
9. Charlotte's Web(2007)
8. 'Night Mother
7. Into the Night
6. The Miss Firecracker Contest
5. The Way We Were
4. Lost in Translation
3. Basic Instinct
2. My Dog Skip
1. To Kill a Mockingbird
Ok, let's see...Books that everyone should read, at least once...
10. The Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger(Of Course!)
9. Witches Sister - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
8. Help, I'm a Prisoner in the Library - Eth Cliffard
7. Member of the Wedding - Carson McCullers
6. Corduroy - Don Freeman
5. The Sun Also Rises - Ernest Hemingway
4. She's Come Undone - Wally Lamb
3. Invisible Monsters - Chuck Palahniuk
2. Endless Night - Richard Layman
1. Ferris Beach - Jill McCorkle
I could go on and on. I'm not so much into material things these days, although I love diving watches and Diesel jeans, but only old ones that cuff up and have old paint on them. I like poppyseed muffins and cupcakes, especially with lots of colorful frosting and maybe a flower, or one candle. I'm really into sad, sappy country music. My favorite coffee place is Dazbogs at 9th in Denver. Although Gas America and Speedway serve a mean cup of Jo at 3am. Old flannel shirts and beaded jewelry as gifts and CD's that people make for me to play in my car while I drive. I love the smell of men who have just taken a soapy shower, the bookshelves of libraries and walking into a hotel room for the first time. My friend Paul's balcony has the best view in America and sitting right now watching Griffin sleep is the best view in the world. The best time of day is 2:34 am, right now. And in one minute the best time will be 2:35 am. So, I guess, as much as I wouldn't mind being in the audience on The Oprah "My Favorite Things" show, I'm not really sure why I'd care. And really, I don't. I have everything I need. And it only costs a few dollars to rent a great movie or buy a book, the two best things in the world. So I don't need the newest phone on the market or whatever she's giving out. She doesn't really get it at all. If she had a real "My Favorite Things" show, she might take a look at the little things that matter to her. The top of my list would be a phone call from a friend I hadn't heard from in awhile. Or maybe a postcard. No one sends postcards anymore. Let me get on that. In fact, a postcard from Texas would make my Christmas complete this year.
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